Why Christian Education for the Christian family?

As an international ministry, we hear the call of God and we run towards it to help, however,  we cannot forget the needs that are here at home. Each country has its own individual and unique problems that they have to deal with.  In third-world countries, they are faced with the issues of illiteracy which leads to poverty and need. In developed countries; our issues are different. We are blessed to have access to free education, jobs, opportunities, social services and free health care. So what is the dilemmas facing our nation? Rising crime, lawlessness of youth, disrespectfulness of children towards parents and authorities and the decline of morality are just some of the root causes to many of our major issues and problems facing our society today. And no amount of programs developed or money thrown at it helps leaving law makers and leaders frustrated and bewilder as our nations continues to declined into a downward spiral.

We have to come to the realization that our problems are more then just physical. The truth is that the issues facing our nations are spiritual and therefore are much bigger than us. Spiritual matters must be addressed spiritually, therefore we need help. We need the divine intervention of our God, our creator who loves and know us well. He has promised in His love letters to us (the Bible) that He would never leave us. Within its pages are the solutions and remedies to all of humanity’s problems and issues. “Ten Commandments” (Exodus 20) alone address most of our society’s problems. Here’s one, “love your neighbor as yourself” ‘(Mark 12:31), what about . “forgive those who hurt you (Matt 6:14) or vengeance is mine said the Lord, I will repay who hurts you (Deut. 32:35), I will give my angels charge over you to protect and keep you save in all your ways (Psalm 91:11), “Ask and it shall be given unto you”, (Matt:7:7). He says; “do not worry about about your life, what you will eat, or what you will drink, or wear, first seek God and His kingdom and then follow the laws of His kingdom and all those things ( that are desired) will be added onto you ( Matt6: 25-34). It seems that God wants to take care of us. There are so much more about issues that pertain to us as humans that are covered in His word like family, love, money, wealth, marriage, kids, parents, singleness, property, fulfillment, belonging, prosperity, happiness, peace, joy faith, and much more. 2 Chron 7:14 says, if my people who are called by my mane would humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.  It is cleair that our land is desperately in need of healing. But healing starts in the home with our families, our children.  It starts with God.

Christian school education is not just getting an education, it is life.

This is why we believe there is a great need for additional Christian schools in  all of our states. We see the changing of times and with it comes some great innovations. Some of these changes are positive therefore they benefit of society, However there are some that post negative and may  influence negatively especially to those traditional morals, core spiritual values that are essential to the belief system and biblical worldviews of the Christian families Our worldviews come from God. He is creator and Father and He sets the standards. Christian parents are to teach our children biblical truth and morals values that are essential to living a Christian lifestyle. These values are thought at home, at church, Sunday school, and at vacation bible school. We are mandated by our God who is the author and finisher of our faith. The values we install within our children today are for life, are for protection, direction, and it covers our children even in our absences. Our children are to carry on the future works of the gospel of God’s kingdom to continue the works that Christ started until He returns. We understand (Eph. 6:12) For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. There is a real enemy that is after our children.

The worldview of society is contrary to that of the Bible making it very difficult for the Christian child. It is confusing to be thought one thing by mom and dad and another in school. This can become very confusing especially for young children who are so impressionable and easily influenced. If the Christian child remains in an environment where the worldviews and teachings are contrary to that of his or her Christian beliefs and values ; the spiritual impact and programming of such a spiritually toxic environment for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, ten months a year for thirteen years will cause contrast or comparison and the Christian child may grow to stray away from his or her biblical teaching and faith rejecting the God who loves them. It such case, your teens will most likely stray away from their families leaving parents on their knees praying for their prodigals to return home. The sad part is that some children may never find their way back home again as out there is a real devil waiting in the shadows selling goodtime and freedom for your child’s innocence and salvation. even now, there are Satan clubs that are being set up in elementary schools as after school programs to lure your children . These clubs are now in schools around the United States where children are being though to worship the devil in real time, today. It just a matter of time before these devil washing clubs are introduce to your child’s schools.

It is a matter of urgency that we the Christian community, the body of Christ wake up before it is too late. Children of Christ has once more heard the called of God to start a Christian school right here in our beloved city of Aberdeen; and we have done it. God does not make mistakes He has a plan for your child. – “For I know the plans I have for you” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”. (Jeremiah 29:11 states). They are His  Kingdom Ambassadors in preparation for great works.”

God instructed Children of Christ to go to Africa and to build a mission school there, and we did. Now we are instructed to open a Christian school here in Aberdeen and we have. Just as the community come together in Africa to help, we are asking for your help to make this school a success for our children and our community. Children comes through us, but they belong to God. Trust that God is orchestrating this movement and He will provide all that is needed . He is preparing a way to shield your children from the satanic events that will soon overshadow our communities. It is coming and only those grounded in God will stand.