Transforming Lives Through Evangelism, Education, and Empowerment

Welcome to Children of Christ International Ministries, Inc.

Children of Christ International Ministry was established to assist in the establishment of Christian schools in villages and rural areas of developing countries where no schools exist for the children. Our objective is to promote the kingdom of God through the three-fold ministries of … Evangelism, Education and Empowerment. Our main purpose is to target and extinguish illiteracy and poverty globally.

In 2017, we learned that the only educational system in the Salala region of the war-torn country of  Liberia Africa was totally destroyed during the war and left abandoned. The children in that region  had no means of education for over 28 years leaving that entire area of the country totally illiterate.

The 14-year civil war in addition to the deadly Ebola outbreak of 2014 left this tiny costal country devastated. The people needed help!  Faced with calamity and the prospect of no earthly solutions, they turned to the heavens, they turned to God. They remembered His promises “call upon me in the days of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me” (Psalm 50:15).

Salala is one of the poorest and most remote regions in Liberia. The impact of the war is still seen there even after 30 years. Life there have been hard for the people. They’ve endured 1) no power lights (as the grids were destroyed); 2) no indoor plumbing (90% of the community relieve themselves in the bush which leads to the spread of infectious disease); 3) unsafe drinking conditions (the same water from the Creeks and Rivers are used for bathing, drinking and washing clothes); 4) unsafe travel conditions (roads leading into the village are eroded from heavy flood waters especially during the rainy season); 5) lack of medical care (while in Liberia in 2020, a toddler died from malaria); 6) lack of employment opportunities especially for young people.

For the people of the Salala region, hope is like a dream deferred.  It’s as though modern innovation in Science and Technology has glided over and a life sentence of poverty has been installed.  They need help.  They need our help.

Our goal is to help the people of this region by setting up programs designed to 1) educate, 2) train for and create jobs, 3) improve infrastructure, 4) create sustainable development projects and 5) bring development and innovation to the communities that will change countless lives, rebuilding hope that will be extended to future generations.